AMIR KHUSRU(1252-1325)

Son of Amir saifudin, who held important posts under lltutmish and his succoessors, khusru was born and brought up in an atmosphere of royl politices.He enjoyed the patronage of khilji sultns: jalal-ud- din,Ala-ud-din Mubark shah and Ghiyas-ud-din.Khusru’s envious position provided  him ample opportunities to acquaint himself wih the nuancs of political affairs and to have access to official records. His knowledge of comtemporary history Is reflected in his works.

His works:

Khusru’s  important historical works are :

1)       Quran –us –sa’dain (1289), besides giving a glimpse of the character of Bugra Khan,provides interesting insights about the social,political and cultural conditions of his time;

2)       Miftah-ul-futuh (1291) is an authentic account of military campaigns and victories ofsultan jalal-ud-din khilji;

3)       The  khazain-ul-Futuh (1311) describes the events of the first 16 years of Ala-ud-din’s reign, the Deccan campaigns of Malik Kafur,Ala-ud-din’s military activities and administrative reforms;

4)       Ashiqa (1316) gives a poetic description of the love and marriage of Ala-ud-din and Devala Devi,daughter of Raja karna of Gujarat, basides describing the beauties g

5)       Nuh sipehr (1319) narrates the victories of sultan Mubarak shah; and

6)       Tughlaq Nama (1325) traces the events leading to the accession of Gyiyas-ud-din Tughlaq’s victory over Khusrav shah.

Eye-witness Account

Amir Khusru’s historical works may be considered to be an authentic eye-witness account of contemporary events.He correctly mentions dates and the chronology of events are carefully recorded. The variety of subjects he handles is amazing. He throws ample light on the military campaigns and administrative reforms of Ala-ud-din Khilji.


However, Amir Khusru is criticized on the following grounds;

1)             He writes more a poet than as a professional historian;

2)             He has failed to reconstruct the past;

3)             His works are characterized by disjointed  themes;

4)             His style is verbose;poetic imageries overtake political events; description of events is stereotype; concerned more with individuals than with groups;

5)             He praises his patrons and blames their opponents;

6)             He allows Divine intervention in human affairs.


It is not fair apply Rankeyan yardstick to evaluate Amir Khusru’s works. He never claims to be a historian . He has composed his creations at the behest of his patrons. Within limitations inherent in his unenviable position he has attempted as authentic an account of contemporary events as possible, Which are corroborated by other sources. His chronology is far superior to that of this successor Barani! Poetical exaggeration apart, Amir Khusru’s contribution to medieval historical writing, particulary sultanate historiography , is praise-worthy.


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