Definition of Disability
disability is often defined as the malfunctioning, disturbance or loss in the
normal functioning of physical, mental or psychological processes, or a
difficulty in the ability to learn, or adjust socially, which interferes with a
person’s normal growth and development.
of Handicap
•Handicap is
a difficulty experienced by a person because of the nature of the environment
in which she finds herself.
instance, even if an individual has a locomotor disability she will still be
mobile as long she can get around in a wheelchair. However, if the building in
which she has to work has no ramps or lifts which accommodate wheelchairs, she
is handicapped by the environment of the building. On the other hand an able
bodied person who does not know how to swim or row a boat is handicapped when
he has to cross a river unless he can find someone to ferry him across.
handicap refers to an environmental factor that an individual finds difficult
to overcome.
of Impairment, Disability and Handicap (WHO, 1976)
impairment is any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological or
anatomical structure or function;
disability is any restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment) of ability
to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for
a human being;
• a handicap
is a disadvantage for a given individual, resulting from an impairment or a
disability, that prevents the fulfilment of a role that is considered normal
(depending on age, sex, social and cultural factors) for that individual”.
Examples to
illustrate the differences among the terms "impairment,"
"disability," and "handicap."
• CP example: David is a 4-yr.-old who
has a form of cerebral palsy (CP) called spastic diplegia. David's CP causes
his legs to be stiff, tight, and difficult to move. He cannot stand or walk.
•Impairment: The inability to move the legs
easily at the joints and inability to bear weight on the feet is an impairment.
•Disability: David's inability to walk
is a disability. His level of disability can be improved with physical therapy
and special equipment. For example, if he learns to use a walker, with braces,
his level of disability will improve considerably.
•Handicap: David's cerebral palsy is
handicapping to the extent that it prevents him from fulfilling a normal role
at home, in preschool, and in the community.
Causes of
•The most
common causes of impairment and disability include chronic diseases such as -
cardiovascular disease and cancer;
such as those due to road traffic crashes, conflicts, falls, landmines, mental
impairments, birth defects, malnutrition, HIV/AIDS and other communicable
Types of
Visual impairment
•Terms like
blind and low vision also used
Total absence of sight
•Low vision-
Less visual functioning but can be used with appropriate assistive devices
Hearing impairment
in hearing various degrees of sounds
hearing loss
neural hearing loss
hearing loss
hearing loss
Loco-motor disability
of the bones and joints leading to restriction of movement of limbs
leading to loco-motor disability are polio, amputation, Injuries to spine and
head, fractures, muscular dystrophies
Palsy- Brain damage early in life leads to co-ordination, movement and balance
in communication, self care, home living, social skills, self direction, health
and safety and academics
before 18 years of age
Mild, Moderate, Severe and Profound
•Autism is a
neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction,
verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior
•Occurs due
to stressful experiences
•Leads to
abnormal behaviours
•Can be cured
through appropriate treatment by Psychiatrists and medicine
Multiple disability
•Combination of two or more disabilities
palsy with mental retardation
palsy with autism

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