FA(b) Test qustion and answer| New Religious Ideas and Movements|7th Std Social Science Term 3 |FA(b) Test qustion pdf

                         FA(b) Test    

     New Religious Ideas and Movements 

Mark-10                                         Std-7

I. Choose the correct answer

1. Who of the following composed songs on Krishna putting himself in the place of mother Yashoda?


  1. Poigaiazhwar
  2. Periyazhwar
  3. Nammazhwar
  4. Andal

2. Who preached the Advaita philosophy?

  1. Ramanujar
  2. Ramananda
  3. Nammazhwar
  4. Adi Shankara

3. Who spread the Bhakthi ideology in northern India and made it a mass movement?

  1. Vallabhacharya
  2. Ramanujar
  3. Ramananda
  4. Surdas

4. Who made Chishti order popular in India?

  1. Moinuddin Chishti
  2. Suhrawardi
  3. Amir Khusru
  4. Nizamuddin Auliya

5. Who is considered their first guru by the Sikhs?

  1. Lehna
  2. Guru Amir Singh
  3. Guru Nanak
  4. Guru Gobind Singh

II. Fill in the Blanks.

1. Periyazhwar was earlier known as ______________.

2. ________________ is the holy book of the Sikhs.

3. Meerabai was the disciple of ___________.

4. _____________ philosophy is known as vishistadvaita.

5. Gurudwara Darbar Sahib is situated at _______________ in Pakistan.



I. Choose the correct answer

1.Ans : Periyazhwar

2.Ans : Adi Shankara

3.Ans : Ramananda

4.Ans :  Moinuddin Chishti

5.Ans :  Guru Nanak


II. Fill in the Blanks.

1.Ans : Vishnu Chittar

2.Ans : Guru Granth Sahib

3.Ans : Ravidas

4.Ans : Ramanuja

5. Ans : Kartarpur


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